According to Christine Lagarde, cryptocurrencies are worthless

Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, has again spoken out about cryptocurrencies. She said these were “based on nothing” and should be regulated to distract investors from speculating with their life savings.

Christine Lagarde warns against cryptocurrencies

Lagarde was a guest on Dutch television. During the interview, she said that she is worried about people who have no idea about the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies, and yet invest their savings in this market. In her opinion, this is a reason to regulate the blockchain industry.

“In my very modest assessment, cryptocurrencies are worth nothing, they don’t have any support or hidden asset to act as a security anchor,” she said.

She admitted that she herself does not have a single bitcoin. However, he invests in digital assets… her son.

“He is a free man,” the head of the ECB said.

Children vs. parents

So the situation resembles the one from a few years ago – concerning Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan. The head of one of the largest banks in the US criticized cryptocurrencies, believed that they were worthless. Only that – as he himself admitted – his daughter invested in these at the same time.

A similar conflict over cryptocurrencies was fought with his son by gold market investor Peter Schiff. Spencer Schiff openly criticized his father on Twitter for stubbornly attacking BTC.

You are sick with Bitcoin Rejection Syndrome

– he stated on social media, which was met with applause from blockchain fans.

Now on the side of Lagarde’s son are supporters of cryptocurrencies.

I wonder how much in 10 years Mrs. Lagarde’s 1,000 euros will be worth, and how much will be worth 1,000 euros invested in bitcoin by her son… 🙂

– wrote on Twitter Polish economist Prof. Krzysztof Piech.

Read Also: The cryptocurrency market is regulated in Cyprus

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks, and individuals should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

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