AI & blockchain combination represents a huge opportunity: Coinbase

The latest research by the Coinbase exchange noted that Artificial intelligence (AI) & blockchain technology combination could be a good choice for entrepreneurs.

In the present time, AI-focused new development activities are surging rapidly in the tech sector. The AI race between the tech firms started, following OpenAI’s ChatGPT popularity launched in Nov 2022. Tesla CEO Elon Musk also established his AI dedicated team to develop AI tools. 

Recently the American top-regulated Coinbase Crypto exchange published its research on behalf of the current trend in the crypto & tech sector.

The research noted that intersected development of Blockchain & AI has numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Coinbase head of research David Duong said:

“As applications within AI and blockchain mature, the disruptions these technologies represent may lead to areas of collaboration and the emergence of new use cases for crypto to help address specific societal challenges posed by AI.”

Researchers noted that huge numbers of AI Chatbots & tools are already available & they are evolving but the majority of them are not decentralised but decentralised nature of AI with the help of blockchain technology can be easily achieved.

Elon Musk in AI sector

Popular centi Billionaire Tesla CEO & Dogecoin fan Elon Musk also confirmed that he shifted his focus from the crypto sector to the AI sector.

Tesla CEO established his AI-dedicated team, to bring a highly transparent form of ChatGPT-like chatbot. 

Over the past couple of months, Musk alleged that the majority of AI ChatBots are blocked from providing the exact information against questions and also claimed that such AI tools can be used to manipulate the population’s thinking.

Read Also: Mercado Bitcoin secures payment license in Brazil 

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