Major investors looking at Bitcoin as a “serious venue, Says Fred Pye 

3IQ CEO noted that Canada’s trading regulation policy forced the big Investors to diversify their portfolios in Bitcoin. 

Bitcoin is the top crypto asset by market cap and this crypto asset is now matured enough. In the present time, several Billionaire & Institutions are enjoying the Bitcoin vehicle rides and here we don’t need to provide any kind of example to prove the fact, as many crypto firms are publicly trading & many fund managers are adding Bitcoin & other flagship assets on their portfolio’s balance sheet. 

Recently 3iQ CEO Fred Pye appeared in an interview with Cointelegraph Bitcoin 2023 and there he spoke about the surging interest of fund managers, Institutions toward Bitcoin. 

According to Pye, the situation in the world changed rapidly over a couple of years and now there are many options to diversify the portfolio in several Innovations like Bitcoin, Artificial intelligence (AI).

Pye CEO said:

“Now the institutions and the proper portfolio managers — the people that are responsible for running diversified portfolios — are now starting to take a look at Bitcoin as a serious venue.”

According to Pye, these major investors are not eyeing increasing profit against investment, instead, they are looking for the use case for the institutions & it will be visible significantly over the last couple of years. 

Further Pye noted that big investors are facing regulatory challenges from investing in cryptocurrencies but this situation has been solved significantly for the Canada-based institutions, as new crypto regulation systems have been introduced in the country.

Read Also: MetaMask does NOT collect taxes on crypto transactions

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks, and individuals should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

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