In an intriguing revelation, Robert Kiyosaki, renowned author of the personal finance best-seller “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” has disclosed that numerous countries are in cahoots to bring forth a new currency capable of rivaling the US dollar. With a significant Twitter following of 2.4 million, Kiyosaki asserts that the BRICS alliance is at the forefront of this movement, actively working towards creating a currency backed by gold.
BRICS Spearheading the Currency Movement:
Kiyosaki is convinced that BRICS nations are leading the charge in this endeavor. In addition to the long-time US ally France, as many as 36 other nations could be joining forces with the economic bloc. The primary objective of this united front is to challenge the dollar’s dominance in international trade and foreign reserves.
The “Gang Warfare” Plot:
According to Kiyosaki’s tweet, an event named “Gang Warfare” is slated for August 22, 2023, wherein approximately 41 nations, including France, will converge in South Africa. Their plan? To de-dollarize the world by launching their currency, dubbed “bric,” with one bric equivalent to one ounce of gold, valuing it at an impressive $3,000. This bold move is viewed as a potential game-changer that could have significant implications for the US dollar’s global standing.
The BRICS Summit:
The upcoming 15th BRICS Summit, scheduled from August 22nd to 24th in South Africa, serves as the epicenter of this groundbreaking development. Recent reports have indicated that the economic alliance is gearing up to unveil this new currency designed to challenge the US dollar’s hegemony.
Mixed Signals and Controversy:
While some representatives in Russia have hinted at discussions regarding a new currency during the summit, African Ambassador Anil Sooklal has refuted such claims, asserting that the idea of a BRICS currency is not on the agenda. Nonetheless, Leslie Maasdorp, the chief financial officer of the BRICS New Development Bank, has expressed “medium to long-term” ambitions of the bloc to create a new global currency and challenge the US dollar’s status.
BRICS – The Driving Force:
Comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, BRICS is a group of economically aligned nations. With their combined strength and vision, they are poised to forge a new path in the realm of global finance, potentially reshaping the dynamics of international trade and monetary reserves.
Robert Kiyosaki’s revelation about the collaborative efforts of BRICS nations and allies to introduce a gold-backed currency to rival the US dollar has set the stage for a captivating financial spectacle. As the world awaits the outcome of the 15th BRICS Summit, speculation and interest in this currency movement continue to grow, with the potential to reshape the global financial landscape.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks, and individuals should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.
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