American youth claim cryptocurrency is the future of finance

According to a survey of young people in the United States, more than half of them believe cryptocurrency is the future of finance, and some have already invested in this type of asset.

Young Americans: cryptocurrencies are the future!

StarkWare recently conducted a survey in which 53% of its participants viewed cryptocurrencies as the “future of finance.” The majority of those surveyed were young (30 to 34 years old), and 68% of them were optimistic about digital assets.

According to StarkWare, an average of 2,000 people of all ages were asked for their opinion about cryptocurrencies. In addition to the group already mentioned, people aged 35 to 44 were also asked. It was found that as many as 61% of them believed cryptocurrencies were the future of finance.

Furthermore, 17% of participants admitted to investing in cryptocurrencies.

U.S. citizens buy cryptocurrencies

Investing in digital assets is not a new phenomenon, however this is not the first study to indicate that Americans are open to this opportunity.

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in November 2011, 16.7% of US adults claimed to have owned or owned some type of cryptocurrency at that time. The studio also analyzed the knowledge level of American adults regarding digital currencies.

Interestingly, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are more likely to invest in crypto than whites, whose values increase to as much as 31% for those aged 18 to 29, and even to 43% for those aged 30 to 49.

According to Pew Research Center analyst Andrew Perrin:

The majority of Americans now know at least a little about cryptocurrencies. It is striking that there are demographic differences regarding awareness and usage of cryptocurrencies.

An estimated 10,371 people participated in the survey.

In addition, the participants of the study were asked whether they were aware of cryptocurrencies. Nearly one-quarter of those surveyed (24%) said they had heard a lot about digital assets, while nearly two-thirds (62%) had heard something about the issue, but not much. About one-eighth (13%) said they are not familiar with the topic at all.

Read Also: Goldman Sachs will allow cryptocurrency investments

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks, and individuals should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

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