Michael Saylor says decentralized crypto networks can be used in DIDs

The former Microstrategy CEO shared his suggestion against the surging negative impact of AI & bots in the digital world. 

Michael Saylor is the founder &  former CEO of Microstrategy. Microstrategy is a publicly traded American business intelligence firm. At present, Microstrategy holds nearly 140,000 BTC on the company’s balance sheet. 

On 27 May 2023, Michael Saylor appeared in an interview with Kitco News and there he shared how the use of cryptocurrencies can tackle the negative impact of AI bots & tools easily.

Saylor said that in the present time, it is very easy to create fights between the two political parties with the help of DeepFakes, a high-level avatar that represents a similar kind of face to a real human with a real voice. 

He also noted that he faced huge numbers of fake followers on Twitter. In particular, he receives nearly 2,000 fake followers every day.

According to Saylor, Cryptography technology can be used to handle these attacks. He said that Decentralised crypto network use as a new barrier against fake identity holders can be used to prohibit them because a bad actor will not pay for his each bot account, as it will cost very high for him.

Saylor explained:

“If someone wants to launch a billion Twitter bots, that’s going to cost them a billion transactions…(…)… By combining the power of cryptography with the power of a decentralized crypto network like Bitcoin, we can bring cost and consequence into cyberspace.”

It is worth it to note that in March of this year, the Polygon (matic) team launched zero-knowledge proofs (ZK proofs) powered cryptographic tools to verify internet users manually.

So here we can say that cryptocurrencies & blockchain networks are going through a new use case to prohibit the inflow of spammers across the digital platform and development works have been started already.

Read Also: Hong Kong  will prohibit cybercrime with the help of Metaverse

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks, and individuals should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

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