Melania Trump makes her NFT public

The former first lady of Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, has recently announced that she will be beginning to broadcast her NFTs. The auction’s revenues will be given to charities.

Melania Trump, the wife of former U.S. President Donald Trump, has announced that she will auction her NFT. It’s about the NFT tokens and the whole blockchain platform. It is well-known that the NFT can be purchased as a substitute for Solan units. This “Melania Trump NFT” portal is run by Parler, a social media company, and uses its own Solana blockchain system.

What is the NFT?

 These are tokens that are associated with modern art. The first one to go to auction is a painting called “Melania’s Vision” by Marc-Antoine Coulon. The NFT will be accompanied by an audio file where Melania reads out the sentence, “My vision is: look to the future with inspiration, strength, and courage.”

It is also well-known that the money derived through the sales of NFT will be transferred into the accounts of Melanie’s Be Best foundation. It is unclear what percentage of the funds will be transferred directly to the accounts of people in need. The proceeds from the auction will go to helping children of foster homes.

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This is especially shocking because her husband, Donald, a former president, has been speaking about cryptocurrency very sarcastically. He said that bitcoins primarily aid criminals and terrorists.

In September this year, he interviewed with Fox Business, and it was fascinating. In it, he was asked about how he felt about the state of Wall Street, how well the current administration was doing, and what he thought about bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market as a whole. When asked this last question, the former president of the United States said that:

I love that the dollar is a significant currency in the United States, but I believe that the other currencies could cause a catastrophe that’s waiting to occur. The cryptocurrency could be counterfeit. Who is aware of what they are? They’re not something that we know much about.

Read Also: The Russian Central Bank Intends To Prohibit Cryptocurrency Investing

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks, and individuals should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

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