Bigcommerce Starts Bitcoin Payments For 60,000 Merchants

The startup teamed with BitPay and CoinPayments to enable retailers to accept bitcoin and cryptocurrency payments with a single click.

Per a news statement, BigCommerce (Nasdaq: BIGC), a major SaaS e-commerce platform, has joined with BitPay and CoinPayments to enable merchants to take bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Similar to Shopify, BigCommerce enables companies to establish their own e-commerce shops with an intuitive setup and partner connections. Over 60,000 retailers across the world rely on this business model, and now they can all take bitcoin.

BigCommerce’s Chief Security Officer, Marc Ostryniec, remarked, “A new generation of consumers are enthusiastic about conducting transactions with cryptocurrencies, and we’re helping them do so.”

The two bitcoin infrastructure providers have created new connectors that merchants of all sizes may take advantage of. BigCommerce outlines the advantages retailers will enjoy by accepting bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in this press release.

First, different payment options allow firms to reach a larger customer base. In addition, retailers will incur lesser fees, cutting their operational expenses. In addition, the e-commerce platform allows merchants to regulate their wallets, hence reducing the risk of false chargebacks.

Stephen Pair, CEO of BitPay, said, “Accepting cryptocurrencies may be frightening and complicated, with a learning curve at times.” We’ve partnered with BigCommerce to make it easier for companies to offer cryptocurrency as a payment option alongside their current payment methods.

In conclusion, BigCommerce said that only these two partners presently support its bitcoin and cryptocurrency ecosystem. In the future, the SaaS provider plans to extend integrations.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks, and individuals should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

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