The Euler Finance Hacker Returned $100 Million in a Surprising Act

The Euler Finance exploiter has refunded a substantial portion of the $200 million taken from the protocol, a remarkable event.

According to information compiled by the blockchain security company BlockSec, the Euler Finance hacker returned the stolen assets during the previous 24 hours. With the most recent payout of 7,737 ETH, the exploiter has repaid the protocol a total of 58,737 ETH.

This is an unexpected development in the Euler breach, which saw the protocol fall prey to a flash loan assault earlier this month, leading to the loss of digital assets valued at over $200 million.

The loss happened across six transactions in dai (DAI), wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), staked ether (sETH), and USDC, and was carried out by two attackers, according to a statement made by the crypto analytic company Meta Seluth at the time.

This week, the exploiter submitted an on-chain message to Euler requesting an agreement with the protocol, prompting the return of the stolen cash.

“We want to make this as simple as possible for everyone involved. We have no aim to retain what is not ours. Establishing encrypted connection. “Let’s reach an agreement,” suggested the hacker.”

The Euler team acknowledged the message with its on-chain statement and requested a “private” conversation with the exploiter.

Before this, Euler attempted to negotiate a settlement with the exploiter, demanding that they restore 90% of the stolen funds within 24 hours or face severe legal penalties.

It is unknown if the Euler team has struck an arrangement with the hacker and, if so, under what terms. In a separate turn of events, several hackers engaged in the Euler Finance vulnerability have lately vowed to provide specific details on other hackers.

On March 25, a wallet carrying 10 million of the DAI stolen from Euler published an on-chain message saying they would be prepared to provide extensive information on the Euler hacker in return for the 10% reward initially promised by the project.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks, and individuals should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

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